Have you ever wondered what the difference is between the different styles of yoga are? What about which studios practice which style? Or are you new to yoga and want to know what suits you best? Maybe you're just looking for a different yoga experience. Whatever the case, we hope our new blogging adventure will assist you in learning more about the Victoria, BC yoga community. In Victoria, BC we are privileged to have yoga practices of Ashtanga, Hatha, Iyengar, Moksha, Bhakti, Kirtan, Hot Yoga, Bikram's, Kundalini, Svaroopa and more.
Our goal is simple. We want to build a resource that celebrates the diversity of our yoga community and make recommendations on how to look good while you explore your own journey. Occasionally we may even venture into other forms of fitness such as Groove, Zumba and Bellyfit of course.
Along the way we will also keep you updated on the new product lines as they are released and any other important news such as sales, special events and classes offered at the store.
Keep coming back to see what we're up to and drop by the store and check out the beautiful clothes.
- Active Wear
- adventure
- aeialhammock
- aerialfabric
- aerialfitness
- aerialnation
- aerialsilks
- aerialyoga
- aerialyogaeverydamnday
- aerialyogalove
- aerialyogateacher
- alberta
- allyoucanyoga
- Alternative to Lululemon
- Ashtanga
- Athletic clothing
- aycyrep
- bamboo yoga clothes
- bc
- Beautiful British Columbia
- beautifulbc
- Bhakti
- bikram yoga clothes
- Bikram's
- boots
- bouldering
- boysofyoga
- bra
- breatheathletic
- bringiton2015
- British columbia
- California
- canada
- Canadian
- Canadian made yoga clothes
- Canoeing on Quadra
- carbon footprint
- cliff
- comfy
- complimentary
- cotton
- cotton yoga clothes
- cotton yoga pants
- dance
- dance clothing
- dance wear
- deermedicine
- eco boutique
- eco yoga wear
- empoweredyogis
- empty nester
- ethical
- Ethical alternative to lululemon
- evolvefitwear
- exercise dress
- explore
- explorebc
- explorecanada
- explorevanisland
- explorevictoria
- fallfashion
- feelingblessed
- feelinggrateful
- feeltheyogahigh
- find Hard Tail online in Canada
- fitchicks
- fitfam
- fitfashion
- fitgirls
- fitlife
- fitness
- Fitness Wear
- fortstreet
- forwardfold
- gains
- getaerialfit
- girlswholift
- globalyogisunite
- good quality yoga clothes
- good quality yoga wear
- gymtime
- happyhealthyyogis
- Hard Tail clothes in canada
- Hard Tail Forever in British Columbia
- Hard Tail Forever in Canada
- Hard Tail in BC
- Hard Tail in British Columbia
- Hard Tail in Victoria BC
- Hardtail
- hashtagsdrivemefuckingcrazy
- Hatha
- headband
- healthvibesyoga
- healthyeating
- heart
- hike
- hiking
- homepractice
- hornbyisland
- Hot Yoga
- hot yoga clothing
- hotpant
- hudsonyogalife
- igyogacommunity
- independencearmy
- inspiredyogis
- itsfuckingcold
- itsyogatime
- Iyengar
- K. Deere
- Karma
- Karma wear
- karmaathletics
- Kirtan
- Kundalini
- latergram
- leggings
- letsdoyoga
- levity4lifeyoga
- life
- Local
- love
- lovemyyoga
- loveyoga
- lovinglife
- Lululemon alternative
- lululemon controversy
- lululemon feedback
- Made in Vancouver
- mannequin
- Meditation
- Moksha
- moksha yoga clothes
- Moksha Yoga Victoria
- mountaingirls
- myhome
- nature
- nofilter
- Octopus Island Marine Park
- oneyoga
- ootd
- organic clothing
- organiccotton
- outdoors
- outdoorwomen
- outdooryogis
- pacificnorthwest
- Paddle Boarding
- Paiwen
- Paiwen Paddle Boards
- Paiwen Paddleboard
- pantsmadeinvancouver
- perch
- Photography
- pnw
- poletrixvictoria
- positivethinking
- practicedaily
- purpleawakening
- pushyourself
- Quadra
- radgirlslife
- recycledmaterials
- reusable bag
- rocks
- romperroom
- roots
- Running dress
- saveonfoods
- shakti
- shoplocal
- Shopping party
- shorts
- Stand Up Paddleboarding
- Standup Paddle Boarding
- staytrue
- style
- stylish
- summerofbalance
- sustainability
- Svaroopa
- sweater
- tattoos
- Teeki
- teeki available in canada
- teeki in BC
- teeki in canada
- teeki in victoria bc
- teeki love
- teeki pants
- teekileggings
- teeli love
- Tennis
- thecanadiancollective
- theyogiproject
- thisismyyoga
- thisisvic
- Tonic
- tonic lifestyle apparel
- unique workout wear
- Unique yoga clothes
- unique yoga clothing
- uttanasana
- Vancouver
- vancouver island
- vancouverisland
- victoria
- victoriabc
- viewsofpnw
- weartoyoga
- where to buy teeki in canada
- winter
- woman
- women's fashion
- Workout clothes
- workout wear
- wwdclub
- Yoga
- yoga pants
- yoga wear
- yogaclothes
- yogadaily
- yogadudes
- yogaeverydamnday
- yogaeveryday
- yogaeverywhere
- yogainspiration
- yogamen
- yogawear
- yyj
- yyjevents
- yyjfit
- yyjfitness
- yyjyoga
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